還記得在2004年12月我到米蘭度假,第一天吃過晚飯後打算搭公共巴士回酒店休息,料想不到往常的車站因為大厦維修的關係搬走了!當時是晚上九時左右,但街上行人已十分稀疏,心想一個單身女子在一條愈來愈少行人的街上流連,始終有點危險!於是决定向前行,希望快快找回車站。12月初的米蘭,晚上温度大約只有10 度,冷空氣迎面吹來凍得發抖,一步一艱辛下行了約20分鐘,終於看到一個車站,可惜却見不到我要乘搭的24號巴士線。
Bravo!!! 半小時的迷惘到此圓滿結束,十分感謝意大利人樂於助人的性格,讓我糊里糊塗地搭了一程免費順風巴士!Graziemille.
Bear Bear 熊的魅力
除了 Winnie the Pooh 外,Bear Bear 熊一般不懂說話,不會唱歌,更不曉跳舞。
Bear Bear 熊樣貌平凡,沒有蝙蝠俠丁點的英偉,亦不似Barbie 那般千嬌百媚;與龍珠、叮噹、Hello Kitty 等東洋小精靈相比,Bear Bear 熊似乎該退出玩物界了。
然而,Bear Bear 熊自面世至今百多年,仍是無數小童、小女孩、OL...的夢伴和好朋友。
究竟Bear Bear 熊有什麽吸引人之處?
原因可能很簡單,就因為Bear Bear 熊不夠花巧,長相忠誠兼無知,沒有侵畧性,沒有太精靈的特徵,所以更得我們寵愛。
還有,小孩子和長不大的成年人都愛擁着Bear Bear 熊那軟綿綿的身軀狂發白日夢。
The Kite Runner 追風箏的孩子
This afternoon, there came a sudden cold rush.
My overcoat was not good enough to shield against the chilly air, so I decided to watch a movie. Not knowing exactly what to watch, I casually picked "The Kite Runner" because it sounds like a heart-warming film.
To my great great surprise, it didn't warm my heart in the way I imagined but stirred up my thoughts instead. My heart finally plunged to a record low by the time I left the cinema and my eyes were red and wet.
This is a very touching movie....features on two kids born in the war-stricken Afghanistan. The director and the child actors are doing excellent job. They drive my brain to think about human bonding, loyalty, courage, love, war, power, etc.
Very worthy of watching. But for guys only looking for laughter, animation, silly jokes, romance, pretty faces, better choose other titles.
My overcoat was not good enough to shield against the chilly air, so I decided to watch a movie. Not knowing exactly what to watch, I casually picked "The Kite Runner" because it sounds like a heart-warming film.
To my great great surprise, it didn't warm my heart in the way I imagined but stirred up my thoughts instead. My heart finally plunged to a record low by the time I left the cinema and my eyes were red and wet.
This is a very touching movie....features on two kids born in the war-stricken Afghanistan. The director and the child actors are doing excellent job. They drive my brain to think about human bonding, loyalty, courage, love, war, power, etc.
Very worthy of watching. But for guys only looking for laughter, animation, silly jokes, romance, pretty faces, better choose other titles.
再談 Andre Rieu Concert in Vienna 和 Maastricht
由於 Andre Rieu in Cortona 的演唱會實在太精采了, 於是决定多看两場 Andre 在維也納及他的家鄉 Maastricht 的演出,看看有什麼不同。
維也納那一場在新年前夕於當地一劇院內舉行,整體氣氛仿如一個新年舞會。Andre 捨棄哀怨的曲目,重點選擇輕快柔揚的圓舞曲 , 再配合其他較為平民化的樂章﹔逗得台下大部份上了年紀的觀眾開開心心,個個聞歌起舞,恍惚失去多時的活力動力魅力都一下子跑回來。礙於場地的關係, 室內演唱會始終比較拘謹,相信今次再沒有觀衆會帶同baby、小狗或bear bear 熊入場了。對我來說,劇院即使多堂皇多華麗,我始終覺得是人工刻意的修飾,怎麽比得上Cortona 古城散發的聖潔與莊嚴。
至於Maastricht的演唱會,今次又重回露天廣場上舉行。 對 Andre 來說, 這次演出有點衣錦還鄉的意義。整體氣氛散發着點點嘉年華味,純音樂演奏加插多節男高音、女高音、男女高音合唱及攪笑的教堂大鐘表演,令當晚所有捧場的觀眾樂不可支。我無緣親歷其境,但可以feel得到音樂正發揮着如同笑劇般的魔力。
Maastricht 是荷蘭最古老的城市,Andre 生於此,多年來他憑着出眾的小提琴造詣,走出家鄉,聯同 Johann Strauss交響樂團周遊列國,讓普羅大眾重新體驗小提琴、大提琴、豎琴、鋼琴、喇叭等傳統樂器的可聽性。交響樂其實並不沉悶,當不同樂器配搭得宜時,同樣令人情緒高漲,興奮莫名。
維也納那一場在新年前夕於當地一劇院內舉行,整體氣氛仿如一個新年舞會。Andre 捨棄哀怨的曲目,重點選擇輕快柔揚的圓舞曲 , 再配合其他較為平民化的樂章﹔逗得台下大部份上了年紀的觀眾開開心心,個個聞歌起舞,恍惚失去多時的活力動力魅力都一下子跑回來。礙於場地的關係, 室內演唱會始終比較拘謹,相信今次再沒有觀衆會帶同baby、小狗或bear bear 熊入場了。對我來說,劇院即使多堂皇多華麗,我始終覺得是人工刻意的修飾,怎麽比得上Cortona 古城散發的聖潔與莊嚴。
至於Maastricht的演唱會,今次又重回露天廣場上舉行。 對 Andre 來說, 這次演出有點衣錦還鄉的意義。整體氣氛散發着點點嘉年華味,純音樂演奏加插多節男高音、女高音、男女高音合唱及攪笑的教堂大鐘表演,令當晚所有捧場的觀眾樂不可支。我無緣親歷其境,但可以feel得到音樂正發揮着如同笑劇般的魔力。
Maastricht 是荷蘭最古老的城市,Andre 生於此,多年來他憑着出眾的小提琴造詣,走出家鄉,聯同 Johann Strauss交響樂團周遊列國,讓普羅大眾重新體驗小提琴、大提琴、豎琴、鋼琴、喇叭等傳統樂器的可聽性。交響樂其實並不沉悶,當不同樂器配搭得宜時,同樣令人情緒高漲,興奮莫名。
Andre Rieu Concert in Cortona, Italy
昨日漫無目的地走進HMV, 在 Classic Section 找到 Andre Rieu in Tuscany DVD, 沒抱什麽期望;回到家裏隨便開了DVD Player 聽聽,結果我沒有離開我的座椅,一口氣看畢整場演唱會, 感覺這是多年來令我最窩心最欣喜的古典音樂會。
Andre Rieu 是一位出色的小提琴家,他的琴藝不用多談。整個concert 在意大利中部托斯干尼省(Tuscany)一個名為 Cortona 古城裡露天進行。表演由傍晚時份開始,在城中主要的Piazza della Repubblica廣場以The Godfather主題曲拉開序幕。最令我迷醉的地方是整個環境氛圍 --- 四周是百分百中古時代的民居,台上管弦樂團成員穿戴整齊,女成員穿上不同顏色的晚裝,女高音和女和音穿上中古禮服,還有一隊中古旗手列陣搖旗,觀眾抱着小孩、Baby、小狗、更有Bear Bear 熊,輕輕拍和,悠閑陶醉地與至愛家人朋友一起浸浴在Andre的琴音裏;有些更幸運地打開窗子便享受到免費音樂。我真的很嫉妬Cortona 的市民,有機會在這麽古樸天然的場地欣賞音樂,總比起在偌大堂皇的演奏廳中正襟危坐,來得温馨親切。
雖然家中的電視機只有25吋螢光幕,且是顯像管那一款!但我眼前看到賞心悅目的台上表演者及台下多位俊秀的男女觀眾,耳聽到連串幽怨的曲目 如 Strangers in Paradise, Once Upon a Time in the West, Romance Anonyme。 當女高音出場以天籟之聲唱出 O Mio Babbino Caro 時,鏡頭竟也捕捉到台下一男觀衆淒然下淚。雖然我不在 Cortona 現場,但看着聽着,我又怎會無動於衷呢!幸好,Andre不想大家太傷感,他即時奏上非常輕快的 William Tell Overture, Opera Potpourri, L'Italiano,甚至意大利國歌等 , 結果大部份年輕觀衆都站起來,手舞足蹈徐徐起舞。 音樂真奇妙,一些輕快調子可把什麽傷愁掃得乾乾淨淨,但哀怨纏綿的歌曲却又令你即時百感交集。
這個 concert 實在令我蹦得緊緊的神經緩緩鬆弛下來,暫時來說,我仍會多看幾遍,讓這麽柔揚悅耳的音樂給我多點洗禮!
Andre Rieu 是一位出色的小提琴家,他的琴藝不用多談。整個concert 在意大利中部托斯干尼省(Tuscany)一個名為 Cortona 古城裡露天進行。表演由傍晚時份開始,在城中主要的Piazza della Repubblica廣場以The Godfather主題曲拉開序幕。最令我迷醉的地方是整個環境氛圍 --- 四周是百分百中古時代的民居,台上管弦樂團成員穿戴整齊,女成員穿上不同顏色的晚裝,女高音和女和音穿上中古禮服,還有一隊中古旗手列陣搖旗,觀眾抱着小孩、Baby、小狗、更有Bear Bear 熊,輕輕拍和,悠閑陶醉地與至愛家人朋友一起浸浴在Andre的琴音裏;有些更幸運地打開窗子便享受到免費音樂。我真的很嫉妬Cortona 的市民,有機會在這麽古樸天然的場地欣賞音樂,總比起在偌大堂皇的演奏廳中正襟危坐,來得温馨親切。
雖然家中的電視機只有25吋螢光幕,且是顯像管那一款!但我眼前看到賞心悅目的台上表演者及台下多位俊秀的男女觀眾,耳聽到連串幽怨的曲目 如 Strangers in Paradise, Once Upon a Time in the West, Romance Anonyme。 當女高音出場以天籟之聲唱出 O Mio Babbino Caro 時,鏡頭竟也捕捉到台下一男觀衆淒然下淚。雖然我不在 Cortona 現場,但看着聽着,我又怎會無動於衷呢!幸好,Andre不想大家太傷感,他即時奏上非常輕快的 William Tell Overture, Opera Potpourri, L'Italiano,甚至意大利國歌等 , 結果大部份年輕觀衆都站起來,手舞足蹈徐徐起舞。 音樂真奇妙,一些輕快調子可把什麽傷愁掃得乾乾淨淨,但哀怨纏綿的歌曲却又令你即時百感交集。
這個 concert 實在令我蹦得緊緊的神經緩緩鬆弛下來,暫時來說,我仍會多看幾遍,讓這麽柔揚悅耳的音樂給我多點洗禮!
What does "Happy" means?
After our parents bring us to the world, do we exactly know what kind of life we have to lead?
In general, most people say they wish to live happily or lead a "full life". Then, what does "happy" and "full life" exactly means to all of us.
Literally, these two terms are simple to understand but they are actually very abstract and philosophical in their inner meanings. It means A to me, B to you and C to him.
In my observation, "Happy" is somewhat equivalent to "Freedom" or "Rich" or "Fulfilled" or "Healthy" or "Simply Stable".
"Full Life" relates to "Getting to the Top", "Goals achieving", "Experiencing", "Venturing", etc.
For a guy who is serious of life, he or she likes to make some life planning so that in the end they can enjoy a happy or full life at certain age. The most intriguing thing is the meanings of these words gradually change in different stages of life, usually because environmental conditions have changed.
For kids, "happy" means they don't need to do homework, or they can play all the time. To youngsters, "happy" may mean they achieve high marks in examinations or have found a charming boyfriend or girlfriend. For a thirty-something guy, "happy" may mean "earning a fortune". For patients, getting back their health can make them more than "happy".
Since "Happy" is such a personal feeling, changes with time and will be set off by different kinds of life worries and pressures, should we consider not to force ourselves to become a "happy" guy. Just let ourselves live naturally, normally, carefully--- listen to our hearts, follow our own voices but make sure we have assessed the good and bads of each decision, use the best judgement to choose the best possible solution, and say loudly to ourselves "No regrets". We have to admit to ourselves that we can never make smart decisions every time. Stupid choices are made and sometimes they are unavoidable under certain circumstances. Anyway, no big deals, we just live with them, if there are not many !
The beggining of something interesting
Quite exciting as I create a blog for myself today.
Not quite knowing what to write or express through this new media, but I feel that it can be a convenient place for sharing my memories, thoughts and perspectives in future.
There are lots of things I think I can share, like what I discover from each trip, workplace, shopping experience, etc.
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